What makes a good 'Pro' or 'Con' on Slant?

All good pros and good cons on Slant include the following things - benefit/drawback and evidence.


  • If a pro or a con is claimed, the benefit or the drawback of it should be explained. For example, an app claimed to have a “clean interface” can have the benefit of “making it easy to overview information.”

  • A claim such as “easy to use” itself can be the benefit.

  • The benefit or drawback should be mentioned either in the title or in the description.


Each subjective statement needs to always be backed up with objective information. Opinion has to always be backed up with facts. Evidence for a claim on Slant can be provided with examples, references and facts.

Examples on Slant can be both written and shown. A claim of “beautiful interface” can be backed up with a screenshot, a claim of “engaging atmosphere” or “good voice acting” can be backed up with a video, a claim of “high customisability” can be backed up by giving examples of what’s possible.

Any independent third-party claim can be used as a source. While the opinion of an expert in a field will have preference, a customer’s review or comment on a forum can also be used as evidence.

Objectively verifiable information
Anything that can be empirically tested can be written down in the description as evidence.

The more evidence, the better
It’s best to back up with claims with as much information as possible.

Notes on writing style and best practices can be found here.

Examples of Good Pros and Cons


Suggestion to merge this with writing guide for easier navigation.

Bumping this as it has been considerably updated. Feedback welcome.